Useful links

While Diigo is a great organizing resource, the links here will remind me of some great resources I've discovered during etmooc.

DML Central "This collaborative blog and curated collection of free and open resources is produced by the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub, which is dedicated to analyzing and interpreting the impact of the Internet and digital media on education, civic engagement, and youth." (from webpage)

HASTAC "HASTAC ("haystack") is a network of individuals and institutions inspired by the possibilities that new technologies offer us for shaping how we learn, teach, communicate, create, and organize our local and global communities. We are motivated by the conviction that the digital era provides rich opportunities for informal and formal learning and for collaborative, networked research that extends across traditional disciplines, across the boundaries of academe and community, across the "two cultures" of humanism and technology, across the divide of thinking versus making, and across social strata and national borders." (from webpage)

The Peeragogy Handbook Howard Rheingold and the Peeragogy Editors: "This project seeks to further empower the worldwide population of self-motivated learners who use digital media — to connect with each other, to co-construct knowledge, to co-learn." (from webpage)

Steven's Web Created and maintained by Steven Downes, this site is "a digital research laboratory for innovation in the use of online media in education. More than just a site about online learning, it is intended to demonstrate new directions in the field for practitioners and enthusiasts." Includes Newsletter, articles,presentations, invitation to participate.

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